Well, it goes without saying that 2020 was a year that most of us would love to forget, yet few of us will. Whilst life was strange and being situated in the city centre even stranger. We wanted to take some time to reflect on twenty-twenty. The toughest part is finding a place to start. Because although January seems totally logical, it isn't. It lured us into a false sense of security. Provided us with an optimism that we will probably ever harbour again, as these days...we just don't know.
As a business in Manchester, I suppose we can count our blessings a little as we've survived a period of what is best described as 'the unknown' and helped people in need along the way. We suppose we were a little blessed as we could continue to help out throughout the lockdown. It isn't fair that housing disrepair should dampen people's entire lives. Last year reiterated this. Some sat alone but help did not come. Yet nothing came, they sat and suffered in silence. As a company that isn't something we are willing to allow, and we will continue seeking those in need in 2021.
Being a Manchester-based solicitor is something we've always been very proud of. Manchester as a city has an unfathomable amount of vigour and strength, and we are honoured to call it our home. Seeing our beloved streets empty, did, of course, fill us a with just a little upset. But, if there's one thing we know about Manchester, this city will rise again. Personally, we can't wait to see it.
We suppose that despite the chaos that ensued last year we will always remain positive. And, overall, we managed to help lots of struggling individuals which of course sweetens the deal. Positivity will always be the key moving forwards, we've seen great uncertainty and we are positive for it. We've learnt that as a company we can grow and integrate all of our skills without being sat facing each other in our Manchester-based office. As a team, we are stronger, even if that does involve the odd awkward Microsft Teams meeting. Which is often invading by a rogue pet or wandering loved one.
We've learnt that as a business we are great at what we do. That is in no part from our inflated egos but from having collected over 250 5-star reviews during the lockdown. We remain incredibly thankful for your support and we hope you continue to believe in and recommend us this year.
Our final lesson would be that we have truly learnt the meaning of appreciation. We've had time to appreciate the world around us and how it moves. Or stands still depending on how you view the last year. We appreciate our family more because we've been forced to sit down and actually talk to one another. Mostly, we appreciate our health because if twenty-twenty has highlighted anything its that we y don't know what's around the corner.
Thank you all.